We believe in the existence of a Divine Spark within each person
(Entheos), the Go(o)d of our own understanding, and the innate sanctity of the Self.
We believe in the absolute equality of all people
regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, financial status or any other possible hierarchy of worth.
We hold a Feminist Philosophy of Religion
and we seek to recalibrate the gender bias and imbalance of power that has caused many people to turn away from patriarchal world religions.
We honour the call to engage in participatory spirituality
We believe that everyone should have access to a community of like-minded people to share regular worship, personal and group support, and to facilitate meaningful ceremonies to mark life’s many thresholds.
We do not have our foundations in any particular faith path
nor do we require members to follow or have a belief or non-belief in any particular deity. All are welcome.
We commit to being the change we wish to see in the world
and we are open and receptive to new ways of thinking, working and being in the world.
We believe in choice
and in valuing, honoring and supporting the family in its many and various manifestations. We do this through enthusiastic activism, meaningful ceremony and practical work in our communities, with all types of individuals and families, throughout all stages of life.
We believe in the importance of celebration
play and fun for everyone.
We encourage and support dialogue and understanding
between all religions, spiritual and secular traditions, and we celebrate the values of respect, reconciliation, forgiveness, mutual support and transparency.
We welcome everyone who feels called to deepen their understanding and awareness of their own Self
and we are committed to sharing our exploration of what it means to be human, and how to serve life and love in infinite ways.